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Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy Page 6

  House Speaker Paul Ryan wasn’t any better. Having just witnessed an election he called “the most incredible political feat I have seen in my lifetime,” admitting the reason was that Donald Trump “connected in ways with people no one else did,”12 he nevertheless pushed back against Trump just five days after the election, on the single most important issue to the people who voted for Trump: enforcing immigration laws.13 “We are not planning on erecting a deportation force,” he said, playing into the Left’s unhinged characterization.

  Let me be clear: He was responding to a question on President Trump’s statement earlier that day about going after illegal aliens who have committed crimes while here. In the president’s own words, “What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers…”14

  So, the president was not talking about shaking down every suspected illegal immigrant household in the United States with jackbooted storm troopers demanding “Papers, please!” He was talking about finding illegal immigrants who had committed violent crimes including drug crimes. The government is supposed to arrest people suspected of committing those crimes, whether they are here legally or not! Instead of putting the lie to the Fake News Media’s hype, Rotten Ryan decided to signal that he was on their side, not Donald Trump’s. And he wasn’t just talking to them. He was talking to every American who had voted for Trump.

  It wasn’t just immigration. Ryan told Trump’s voters the same thing about infrastructure the day after the election, saying that,“We’ve already decided what to do about infrastructure. We don’t care who you elected or why.”15 That’s a paraphrase, of course. He didn’t have the stones to disagree with the president’s pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He released a statement through a spokesman, undercutting the president again.16 Just a few months ago, when the president kept another key promise to protect workers in our steel and aluminum industries from rivals and supposed “trading partners” that do not reciprocate any of our fair-trade policies, Ryan again came out against him.17

  Supporting the Witch Hunt

  It’s one thing to ignore the overwhelming mandate given to the president by the voters in his party. It’s quite another to openly support the coup d’état now being attempted by this anti-American coalition of bad actors.

  I realize the Mueller investigation put Republican congressmen in a difficult spot. If they had come out against the investigation right away, it could be seen as not respecting the rule of law. I get it. But it’s been more than a year, and enough is enough. When you have all the resources of the federal government at your disposal and several witnesses who have pled guilty and still not only don’t have a case but literally don’t have one piece of evidence of a crime, it’s time to close the investigation. It’s time for Republicans who aren’t part of the “Resistance” to stop playing cover your ass and take a stand.

  Every legislator promotes the interest of his or her constituency. However, faced with the usual midterm pushback after a presidential election, the Republican Party needs to stand shoulder to shoulder and make sacrifices for the greater good. Senator Grassley, along with Republican Senators Ernst and Fischer who are assisting him, have demonstrated they are up to their knees in Swamp water and controlled by the ethanol lobby.

  Every time a gallon of ethanol is mixed with fuel, a credit, called a “renewable identification number,” or RIN, is issued. These credits may be bought or sold and are required to be used by refiners to prove compliance with biofuel standards. Big oil and the ethanol lobby control the credits and the price of RINs is sky-high. Since small refineries have no way of producing RINs, they must buy the credits. Due to their high cost, these independent refineries cannot compete and are being forced out of business, resulting in job losses.

  These small refineries operate in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, critical states in the 2016 presidential election and equally critical in this year’s midterm elections. Rather than level the playing field in these key states, Grassley sent a communication to EPA head Scott Pruitt that if the big oil companies and ethanol lobby was disturbed, EPA nominees would be held up! So much for party initiative.

  My interview with Senator Grassley, the longest serving Republican senator after Orin Hatch, was just one more example.

  I asked why the Senate passes virtually no bills and yet they are considering a bill that precludes the president from firing Mueller. They propose this even though the president has indicated that he has no intention of firing Mueller or Rosenstein. Grassley’s answer was “if there is a bipartisan bill brought to me I would put it out there for passage.”

  Say what? This is a waste of taxpayer dollars in the make-believe Russia Collusion saga and yet the Senate Judiciary wants to let it pass? Whose side is he on?

  Mueller is a special hire of the Justice Department, which is part of the executive branch. Every single person who works in the executive branch ultimately reports to the president. President Trump and Vice President Pence are the only two people elected out of approximately two million employees in the executive branch, not counting uniformed military. So, no, firing a subordinate would not be “a constitutional crisis,” regardless of what the bill’s proponents say.

  Let’s not forget how this all started. Republican Senator John McCain dispatched former State Department official David Kramer to London to retrieve the infamous Russian dossier from Christopher Steele.18 Kramer now works at Arizona State University’s Washington-based McCain Institute for International Leadership. But it was McCain who handed the dossier over to the FBI and then decried release of the Putin memo as “doing Putin’s job for him.”19

  Is that the extent of his involvement with the dossier? We don’t know. There were rumors circulating—before the House closed its investigation—about McCain possibly being more involved, perhaps even helping to fund the dossier himself. The House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed Kramer to ask further questions, but he took the Fifth,20 which means that he believed testifying on this subject to the House might have tended to incriminate him.

  What crime was he afraid of being charged with? We’ll never know. The House has closed its investigation into Russia’s interference in the election, and it’s unlikely that Kramer will be called by Mueller. If we ever got real justice, the conspirators trying to overturn the 2016 election would be the ones on trial.

  On top of all the other reasons to thank Donald Trump for leaving a rather comfortable, happy life to run for president, saving us from enduring yet another RINO Republican nominee has to be high on the list. Let’s not forget “low-Energy Jeb” Bush was once a frontrunner, at least in terms of fundraising, in the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Jeb was all set up to either be the next George W. Bush or lose to Hillary, with real conservatives having no voice in the election at all.

  It’s almost hard to believe at this point. But, yes, the party might have nominated another milquetoast RINO, had it not been for Donald Trump’s epic destruction of Jeb’s campaign in a debate in South Carolina with the audience packed with Bush loyalists.

  Only Donald Trump could have pulled this off. Can you imagine any other Republican—any other politician—having the balls to say the Iraq War was a colossal mistake in front of a hostile crowd in South Carolina? When the crowd began to boo, Trump didn’t back up an inch. He told the television audience, “Do you know who that is? That’s Jeb’s special interests and lobbyists talking.” When the packed audience continued to try to shout him down, Trump confronted them directly, saying, “I only tell the truth, lobbyists.”

  What Jeb’s jeering supporters didn’t understand—what the entire Establishment has never understood—is that Donald Trump is a force of nature. The same heat that would burn others feeds him. For any other candidate, taking on the media is suicide. Donald Trump checkmated them. Whether it’s real estate, entertainment, or politics, he is not afraid to jump into the fire. His message is always
uniquely his own. He understands people and he sees things that other people don’t see. He is not afraid to take positions that would make others cringe.

  The attacks in any presidential campaign are vicious, brutal, and lightning fast, the kind of heat the average person simply can’t take. What Donald Trump does, he generally does against all odds. A brash billionaire from New York City, candidate for president? “You must be kidding.” So began the campaign of the most unlikely outsider presidential candidate in American history.

  They all underestimated Trump, even ridiculed him. But what they couldn’t comprehend was the difference between him and the other sixteen establishment candidates. This guy named Trump was fearless and had the guts to walk into a den of lions and come out the winner.

  For all intents and purposes, Jeb’s campaign was effectively over after that debate and the Bushes certainly haven’t forgotten it. They’re part of the RINO stampede from the sidelines. “Many of the Bush people are the ones on TV and in print attacking this president,” says Kellyanne Conway. “They weren’t well-known when working for President Bush, but they try to become rich and famous working against President Trump. It’s ironic, because they know how unfair the press can be. Yet it’s unsurprising. President Trump upended two political dynasties—Clinton and Bush—and is compared most with Reagan. The conservative movement was always looking for the next Reagan, and they kept picking Bushes—Jeb was out before South Carolina. Later, Hillary cratered. Out: Dynastic elections. In: Forgotten men and women.”

  The Bushes can yap all they want about their dislike for Donald Trump. Nobody cares. While we still have to fight to ensure a Democrat doesn’t win the White House in 2020, at least we know it won’t be occupied by a phony, RINO Republican, thanks to Donald Trump. Now, it’s time to turn our attention to Congress this November.


  Liberal Sanctuary Cities

  She was a pretty thirty-two-year-old, with blonde hair and a bright smile.

  He was a dirtbag illegal alien and career criminal, a drug dealer with seven felony convictions and five deportations under his belt.

  She was walking along a San Francisco pier on a sunny day with her dad.

  He had been released from jail a few months before.

  She had just met the love of her life, a handsome young lawyer whom she planned to marry.

  He pulled the trigger of a stolen .40-caliber Sig Sauer handgun, the bullet piercing the pretty blonde’s heart.

  She had everything to live for.

  He had no right to be there.

  She said, “Help me, Dad,” as she lay dying in her father’s arms.

  The day José Ines Garcia Zarate shot Kathryn “Katie” Steinle to death, he was supposed to be in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or on his way back to Mexico. He wasn’t. Instead, he was walking the streets of San Francisco thanks to LIBERAL San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi. Three months before Katie was killed, the feds had asked the sheriff to keep Garcia Zarate in jail until they could pick him up for deportation. But, in the sanctuary of San Francisco, the sheriff thought it was better to let him go free.

  Tell me how much of a sanctuary San Francisco was for Katie?

  While the Deep State continues its assault on President Trump, LIBERAL politicians and the Fake Press continue to undermine his policies. Nowhere is this more in evidence than with so-called sanctuary cities.

  Somewhere around the time that Donald Trump announced his presidency, the Fake News decided to tell you that “criminal illegal immigrant,” “illegal immigrant,” and “immigrant” meant the same thing.

  Here’s the narrative they disseminated: Do you have a problem with criminal illegal immigration? Then you hate illegal immigrants. Think illegal immigration laws should be enforced? Then you hate immigrants. Think all immigration policies should be fairly enforced? You hate immigrants and you are a racist.

  The press didn’t have to work hard to get their point across. In fact, they were preaching to the choir. LIBERALS have their heads so far up their asses they care more about criminals than innocent victims. And they look down their noses at anyone who thinks differently from them. They can be holier-than-thou because most of the interaction they have with illegals is when they get their lawns mowed. You don’t see a whole lot of liberals in South Texas or along the Mexican border of Arizona screaming about how unfair our immigration policies are unless they are the illegals themselves. You know why? Because if they lived there they would be helping build the wall themselves.

  But let President Trump tell the unvarnished truth about illegal immigration and criminality and they go apoplectic. This has been true since the first time the president talked about illegal immigration as a presidential candidate.

  The Speech That Saved Our Borders

  On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump gave maybe the most memorable speech announcing a presidential run in the history of politics. The liberal press was outraged because of these words:

  “They’re sending people that have lots of problems… They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime; they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

  In the next few days, the geniuses on liberal editorial boards predicted the shortest campaign in history. Trump is done, the headlines blared. Hollywood blew a fuse, and stars lined up to take shots at Donald. Macy’s dropped the Trump clothing line. People couldn’t wait to stomp on his campaign’s grave.

  But guess what? Not everybody is liberal. In fact, most of the country isn’t. Do you know what the rest of the country thought of Donald Trump’s first campaign speech? It’s about time someone had the balls to say it.

  You think I’m wrong? Well then tell me what happened to Donald Trump’s campaign following that speech. Was he done? Was his the shortest campaign ever? No. In fact, that speech started a movement that blazed a trail right to the White House.

  Okay, I’ll give you this: Sometimes the president isn’t as politically correct as LIAR Obama. But isn’t it refreshing to finally be able to listen to someone who says what he thinks? To hell with political correctness. A nation exhausted after eight years of Obama’s “I say what I mean and mean what I say” doubletalk were starving for the straight talk Trump delivered. Sometimes his wording is a little rough around the edges. But Donald Trump feels the way much of America feels, and that’s why he was elected our president.

  Does Donald Trump hate immigrants? No. Absolutely not. His wife is an immigrant who speaks with an accent. While doing a Street Justice segment, the Trump Tower employees I spoke with who have foreign accents talked about what a great employer he is. Calling him anti-immigrant is the equivalent of calling him un-American, and the American people know Donald Trump loves this country. The man had to go to court to fight for his right to fly as big an American flag as he wanted at Mar-a-Lago!

  Being 100 percent pro-immigration does not, however, mean our borders should be open to people who want to break the law or take advantage of the American system.

  Trump is a populist who understands the frustrations of the American people. Illegal immigration affects the least fortunate Americans more than it does anyone else. Those at the bottom of the ladder should not be undercut by cheap, illegal labor. Nor should illegal immigrants be released into the community after committing crimes against American citizens. The president understands that immigration into our country should be based on fairness, the needs of the American economy, and the safety of both American citizens and legal immigrants rather than family unification or proximity to our borders.

  The Sanctuary State

  There are more than three hundred sanctuary cities in the United States where government employees and local law enforcement are prevented from reporting and sharing information on illegal immigrants. When their police arrest an illegal immigrant for felonies, or fine them for misdemeanors, they don’t turn them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement—even if the illegal, like Garcia Zarate, is a c
areer criminal.

  And, now the state of California as of January 1, 2018, has passed legislation making it a sanctuary state. In response, various cities and counties in California that face problems with illegal immigration have commenced litigation against the state of California. But California is not alone. Other sanctuary states include Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont. Is this a new civil war in America—the federal unity of the fifty states versus the separate interests of several states? I believe in most matters the states should decide their own fates but not where the safety of its citizens is outweighed by illegal criminal activity. Public safety is a fundamental right. The first order of government is the protection of its people. Emphasis its.

  For over one hundred years, the federal government has been entrusted with regulating immigration. But, suddenly, in cities across this country, local law enforcement is releasing illegal aliens who have committed crimes back into the community after they serve their sentences and are released from jail, as if they had any right to be there in the first place. They do this in total defiance of requests by federal ICE agents to hold the individual wanted for deportation or federal crime, and without any constitutional grounding of their own. The term sanctuary city, when it comes down to it, is nothing more than an official-sounding phrase cooked up by local LIBERAL politicians and members of city councils. It’s never been written down in federal law or a court case of any consequence. The whole concept is a lie.

  To Act Or Not To Act

  If you’re a cop working in a sanctuary jurisdiction, then you’re being directed by some left wing LIBERAL progressive mayor, county executive, or governor to protect criminals who are illegal, who not only violated our laws in coming here but committed additional crimes while here.